Creator Hustle Ep. 6 - Facebook Is Up Next

How I Plan To Make Money on Facebook

In partnership with

As I move closer to my overall goal of completing 10,000 total pins on pinterest… My Facebook journey is about to begin. At the end of this email I have a new premium plan so be sure to read to the end to check that out.

This is what my process is going to look like.

  1. Test multiple “page like” ads to get the lowest $ per like.. I’ve seen people getting page likes for .02 cents. That would be ideal.

  2. Use Strevio which analyzes pages in your niche and lets you know which posts are doing the best so you can emulate those posts.

  3. Post a mixture of just engaging content and then mix in images with links in the comments for blog traffic.

  4. Monetize via blog ads (would like to get on Journey), as well as monetize on the Facbeook bonus program.

  5. Create Reels and get monetized via ads on Reels as well. I also want to look into repurposing those reels as YouTube shorts and TikToks to see if I can begin to make money on those two platforms as well.

That’s essentially five ways to monetize from one side hustle (If I could do it the right way).

If you have any feedback or questions please respond to this email with them.

Lastly, we have partnered with Click Funnels to give you a completely FREE funnel building workshop.. See below.

Exclusive Opportunity for Creator Hustles Readers: Free Funnel Building Workshop!

Want to learn how to get YOUR online sales funnel up and running in less time than it takes to make and eat a sandwich (even if you’re a fast eater ;)​

Join the FREE SalesFunnels Workshop this Thursday and get exclusive access to the 653-Page Funnel Swipe File packed with 74 high-converting funnel examples – absolutely FREE!

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  • The #1 sales funnel mistake you’re probably making right now (...and how to avoid it by doing this 1 tiny “tweak”...)

  • Insider tips from an expert with over 20 years of experience building and launching funnels that can potentially 10X your business!

  • The "paint-by-number" sales language that'll help generate customers who stick with you for LIFE and continue to buy from you!

  • With a track record of generating $1 BILLION in sales, Clickfunnels Co-Founder and New York Times Best Selling Author, Russell Brunson can confidently teach you the RIGHT funnels and strategies to use to make your business thrive.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform your sales funnel AND steal his 653-Page Funnel Swipe File!!

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