Creator Hustles Ep. 2 - The Power Of Consistency

why you must be consistent.

Everything you can think of benefits from consistency.

Money: While investing, consistency creates a compounding effect, leading to substantial financial growth over time.

Algorithms: If you’re trying to grow on social media, algorithms favor consistency, boosting your visibility and engagement.

Skills: The more consistent you are, the more you give yourself a chance to get better at what you do, improving your expertise and proficiency.

Trust: The more consistent you are at showing up, the more people are going to trust you, building a loyal and reliable audience.

Momentum: Consistency builds momentum. As you keep taking regular actions, progress becomes easier, and achievements start to accumulate, driving you forward toward your goals.

Health: Regular exercise and a balanced diet lead to improved physical and mental well-being. Consistency in health routines helps prevent chronic illnesses and promotes overall longevity.

Relationships: Being consistently present and engaged in relationships fosters deeper connections and stronger bonds with friends, family, and partners.

Habits: Establishing and maintaining positive habits through consistent actions can lead to lasting personal development and success.

Learning: Continuous learning and consistent study habits enhance knowledge retention and intellectual growth, opening up new opportunities for personal and professional advancement.

Creativity: Regularly engaging in creative activities stimulates innovation and keeps your creative muscles flexible, leading to more frequent and higher-quality outputs.

Productivity: Consistent work habits and routines increase efficiency and effectiveness, allowing you to accomplish more in less time.

Here’s How I’m Working On My Consistency

  1. I’m setting output goals, and making sure i do them at a specific time.

  2. I’m using a bullet journal to check the tasks I do every day. Every night underneath my tasks I write down my evaluation of my day and set tasks for the next day. I find this helps with momentum and lessens the chance that I forget things.

  3. I’ve been getting up early. —- having 2-3 hours in the morning where no one can reach me is probably the best consistency hack out of everything.

Let me know what your biggest consistency hacks are…

Stay tuned for hustle round up #2 coming by the end of the month and in the mean time, check out my free pinterest course and how i’m growing a blog using midjourney, pinterest, and pin generator to grow.