Creator Hustles Ep. 3 - What You Should Focus On

What I'm Doing...

My Pinterest Method On Video

Before you get started with the newsletter- consider checking out my recent youtube video going over how I scheduled 1,100 pins on Pinterest in 4 days.

I’m starting to realize that making money online is a game…

It’s really about how well you can focus and complete boring tasks.

But there’s one simple criterion I’m looking at when choosing my side hustles….

Can I leave them alone for a week, and they still perform?

That’s how I decided that I was going to go ahead and try the Pinterest case study and Amazon influencer program.

I’ve seen people on YouTube talk about how they made pins years ago that still get them traffic.

I’ve seen people upload 1,000s of videos off the bat for the Amazon Influencer Program and make thousands per month without touching it.

Those are the types of side hustles I’m going to explore from now on…

But, I’m doing it in a systemized fashion.

I’m going to use the 12-week year method and apply it to a bunch of different side hustles that could pay me down the road whether I touch them or not.

  1. My first 12 weeks are focused on Pinterest…

  2. The next 12 weeks will be focused on the Amazon Influencer program

  3. The third candidate may be uploading AI stock images & getting paid for downloads. (I haven’t decided yet)…

Here’s what I learned so far….

  1. I’ve gotten much deeper into the process of Pinterest and I’ve found more tips and tricks than i probably would have if I was dividing my time and effort into other things at the same time.

  2. I actually take action. When you are looking at too many things at once it starts to make you question whether or not you’re doing the right things. This goes away as soon as you choose a singular focus.

Thats it for today… Keep an eye out for my side hustle updates on June 1st.