Creator Hustles Ep. 5

How To Make Money Growing a Newsletter

Welcome back to creator Hustles. If you’re looking for an opportunity to make some extra money online behind the scenes, you may want to check out the Premium Ghost Writing Academy. If you’re interested in Ghostwriting they have a free ghost writing email course!

The fastest way to build a lucrative side hustle?


✅ You don’t need any startup capital.
✅ You don’t need a big social audience.
✅ And you don’t need decades of writing experience.

To become a Premium Ghostwriter you only need 5 simple (but oddly specific) skills.

And this FREE email course will give you everything you need to start ghostwriting today.

Lastly, before we dive into the info, if you like video content, here’s my recent video on YouTube. (I posted 3,000 pinterest pins, here are the results).

Now onto newsletters.

How To Make Money With a Newsletter

I love Newsletters, or email lists. Whatever you want to call them. I have two of my own with Beehiiv.

They are the easiest way to reach your audience at any given time and can be an easy way to make good side money (or millions- as some newsletters have sold for a lot of money).

Newsletters could be about anything….

  • They can be personal, like this one.

  • They can be in certain niches like sports, crypto, tech, and more…

There are so many ways to make money with newsletters and a lot of people talk about them… but in this newsletter i’m going to go over the step by step process that will have you making money the fastest.

Content Plan

The first thing you need to do is have your content plan.. For example, I do 2 different issues of this newsletter… Creator Hustles & Hustle Round-Up (at the end of the month).

You want to make it something people look forward to all the time.

For example, if you’re into crypto, you could do weekly market deep dives…. or interviews with people big in the space.

You want to solve a problem but also be able to make money in the meanwhile.

For example, in a crypto newsletter.. you could make money via

  • sponsors - Crypto companies

  • affiliate marketing (affiliate for a crpyto exchange platform)

  • & more (which im about to get into)


Here’s the fun part. I shared an image on X earlier of the screenshot below. In just 4 weeks, I’ve been able to make money just by growing my newsletter.

Usually, you have to pay in order to grow…. But the fact that you could Make $$ just by growing organically is amazing.

This works by recommending other newsletters.

When someone subscribes to my newsletters, they get a list of recommended newsletters. When they subscribe to those, I get paid… So the money below is from people subscribing to the newsletters I recommend.

Now you may be wondering about HOW TO GROW.

It’s pretty simple.

You just need to find out where your audience is hanging out, go there, and produce content while showing off your link.

For Creator Hustles, my audience (you guys) hang out on X… So i produce content for X and promote my link. I also promote my newsletter on YouTube as well. I could probably add LinkedIn to the mix (maybe I will).

For my self-development newsletter… A lot of them hang out on Reddit and Instagram…

So I produce valuable content on Reddit with my link underneath the content so people can sign up. I also post motivational/self-development reels on Instagram and post my link to my story once per day.

Keep in mind, that you don’t need to create viral content. In most cases, if you do the thing your newsletter is about, all you have to do is document it.

  • If your niche is books, talk about books your read…

  • If you’re working on a side hustle, talk about it..

  • If you’re doing sports betting, show previews of your bets.

  • if you’re into fashion, show your OOTD every day…

  • If you’re into crypto, document your portfolio…


Here’s a little cheat sheet:

  • Side Hustle/Blogging/ETC: X is the best

  • Sports: You can pretty much scale on any platform.

  • Finance: IG reels, Linkedin, Reddit, TikTok

  • Beauty: Pinterest Blog, YouTube, and TikTok

Chances are, if you’re already creating content in some capacity, you know where to find your audience.

it may take a little bit to get the ball rolling but once you do, you could get the loop going fast.. What do I mean by the loop? See the next section.

Facebook Ad Growth Hack

Another way to grow is to use Facebook Ads. If you could get the CPA (cost per acquisition) lower than the average amount you get per subscriber, you could essentially get subscribers for free..

So let’s say you cost per acquisition is 1.75 … and you make $2.00 per subscriber that you recommend to other newsletters. You could make .25 per subscriber.

I’m not that good at Facebook Ads so i haven’t tried.

The Growth Loop

Now, I could take the extra $100 and pocket it… Or go get groceries. However, I don’t. I take half and put it into Boosts. In the same way, I recommend newsletters, I have newsletters recommending me.

I pay per subscriber.

Every $100. I get 58 subscribers since I set my subscriber price to $1.75

So the more subscribers you get organically, the quicker you could grow altogether.

Ads and Sponsors…

With Behiiv, you could get ads right away. Even when you’re at 100 subscribers. This is because they have an ad network. However, it goes by cost per click. so you may make $6-$10 on the high end ( but anything counts)

My goal for my other newsletter is to get to 100,000 subs. 100,000 subs at a 40% open rate (i’m at 46% now) means I could reach 40,000 people at one time. If my ads have a 5% click rate that means i could get 2,000 clicks.

2,000 clicks at $2.00 per click would mean I could make $4000 in one newsletter send.

Thats not to mention that when you have 100,000 subs you could also go out of your way and probably get a good sponsor deal outside of Beehiiv which isn’t CPC.

Newsletter Niche Ideas

If you’re looking for newsletter ideas, here are a few to get you started:

  1. Sports Betting Tips: If you produce sports content, chances are you have an audience that is into sports betting. You could make a newsletter based on the best bets for the night. This is a great opportunity to start a premium newsletter where subscribers pay for exclusive betting insights and strategies.

  2. Fashion Lookbooks: If you have a fashion newsletter, you could post a couple of outfit ideas in each issue. Include links to purchase the items, styling tips, and seasonal fashion trends. Collaborate with brands for sponsorships or affiliate marketing to monetize your content.

  3. Book Takeaways: If you enjoy reading, you could share takeaways from the books you’re reading. Provide summaries, key insights, and actionable advice from each book. This could be particularly appealing to busy professionals who want to stay informed but don’t have time to read extensively.

  4. Healthy Recipes: For those interested in health and wellness, a newsletter featuring healthy recipes could be very popular. Share easy-to-make recipes, nutrition tips, and meal planning advice. You can also include affiliate links to kitchen gadgets, cookbooks, or food products.

  5. Travel Deals and Tips: Create a newsletter focused on travel deals and tips. Share information about affordable travel destinations, flight deals, packing tips, and travel itineraries. Partner with travel agencies or hotels for sponsored content.

  6. Tech News and Reviews: A newsletter dedicated to the latest tech news and reviews can attract a tech-savvy audience. Provide detailed reviews of new gadgets, software updates, and industry trends. Use affiliate marketing to recommend products and earn commissions.

If you have any questions about how you could start a newsletter, you could reply back to this email and i’ll get back to you!