Creator Hustles Ep. 9

I started my Facebook Page/ Blog Casestudy

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What’s up, guys? It’s about that time.

I started my Facebook Page/blog case study.

The idea is to make money via the Facebook Bonus program and ads on Reels and send traffic to my blog I already have for the niche.

But, since I’m going to be creating video content for Facebook, I’m also going to be repurposing that video content for Instagram and YouTube shorts in the hope that I can monetize one or both of those in the process as well.

I’m excited about this because if done the right way I could create a legitimate brand that everywhere instead of just chasing traffic from one source and hoping it doesn’t get hit with an algorithm update.

Here’s the phases:

  1. Post a little bit of content, but not my best content while growing. We don’t want to waste the best content when we have 20 likes on the page.

  2. Once I get a couple thousand followers I can begin to post the most viral content I find using Strevio …

  3. When I find viral content I’m going to use the news i can elongate and turn into blog posts and do just that.

  4. Next, i’m going to come up with Facebook reel ideas using some of the viral posts from strevio… Just going to create a video script and edit.

  5. Once I hit about 50k likes on the page the organic growth should start to carry me.

I can imagine this case study will take a bit to get going in terms of monetization but I will be adding this to the hustle round up at the end of every month.

Lastly, i’ve decided that i’m going to keep my content FREE always. One thing I ask is if you could sign up to my YouTube channel in return for the free value.

Let me know if you have a Facebook page and how you’re doing with it.