Hustle Round Up Issue #4

my pinterest case study income & more.

In partnership with

It’s that time of the month already…

This month flew by.

I got a good one for you as this is my first hustle round up since i’ve been accepted by Journey Mediavine.

It’s not a full month of income, as my site started earning on the 10th, however, it’s still significantly better than Ezoic.

As of right now, i have 3,900 pins posted and over 5,000 scheduled.

I have a little less than 1,000 pins i have to do in order to hit my ultimate goal of 10,000.

With that said.. lets break down the numbers.

We have $231.50 in earnings over the last 20 days with an $18.52 RPM. However, the first couple of days were extremely low when it comes to RPM, so the next month, I should expect to be around $22-$25 because that’s what I’ve seen the last couple of days.

Here are some takeaways from the last couple of weeks.

  • Trending topics within pinterest are doing the best. Just search keywords for your boards and then use the trending ones. You don’t need any crazy tools to find the best keywords.

  • Below are the best pin generator templates that I’ve seen the best results from.

These have been the very best in terms of click through rate so for every blog post i’m splitting up these pins. If I have 60 images ill choose 3 of these and it’ll result in 20 images per template.

What are my expectations from this case study?

I hope to earn over $1,000 per month from it by the time i hit 10,000 pins. Anything above that will be an added bonus.

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Amazon Influencer Program

Theres not much to report on this… In July i’ve made $7.67 on 5 videos made.

I’ve gotten about 60 video views this month.

I’m going to slowly add videos over time and not put too much emphasis on this simply because of the fact that Amazon could change the criteria at any time.

Newsletter Earnings

On my newsletter mind snack, i earned $103.00 in boost earnings and got $27.60 in ad earnings.

This brings me a total of $130.60….

Total earned: $369.77

For me this is just the beginning and i hope to 10x this over time… but we shall see.