Creator Hustles Ep. 1 - Start with one thing.

why you shouldn't follow people who are already successful

Good morning…Or afternoon. Depending on where you are.

I wanted to point one thing out about being a creator that not many people talk about.

That’s levels of success.

Many people talk about copying Alex Hormozi and the likes of other successful creators.

They dissect every little thing that they do.

When it comes to starting yourself, this is probably the worst thing you could do.

Now that Alex Hormozi has reached such a high level of success, many people follow pretty much anything he says. So he can talk about being productive, making money online, gyms, starting a business and whatever else he talks about.

However—- you need to look at where he started, not where hes at now. Alex started with Gym Launch, which was a product that helped gym owners get people in their gyms and become profitable.

At that time, he was focusing on ONE thing.

When you look at creators that branch out and become huge, they often start with ONE thing and then branch out as they go.

So before you go crazy trying to create, you need to figure out what that thing is. Otherwise, you’re going to be procrastinating.

Here’s the way things work when it comes to creating and how people make the most money as a creator.

Once you go through this process, it allows you to branch out to different areas. For example—→ you could talk about productivity, discipline, and other topics due to the fact that you were able to due to the fact that you were able to do something that resonated deeply with your audience. That initial success creates a trust and credibility that you can leverage to explore new topics and expand your reach. It's like earning your stripes; once you've proven yourself in one area, people are more willing to listen to what else you have to say.

Pay attention to YouTube channels that have become huge….

Most of them started in one niche and then expanded based on their experience.

Ali Abdaal - medical school videos —— > master in productivity

Casey Neistat - Known initially for his daily vlogs, Casey Neistat began his YouTube career with filmmaking tutorials and personal vlogs. Over time, he expanded his content to include broader topics such as travel, tech reviews, and social commentary.

Marques Brownlee (MKBHD) - Starting with tech reviews and smartphone unboxings, MKBHD established himself as a go-to source for all things tech-related. As his channel grew, he diversified his content to include discussions on broader topics like entrepreneurship, productivity, and even electric vehicles.

So if you’re confused as to where to start and how to come up with a content creation strategy. Start with one thing and then eventually you could expand into other things that you like once people trust you.